Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Who Dies???

I had a dream last night,
White and black were in a fight.
I saw a universe,a life in reverse.
My Grandma’s flabby arm,my brother’s charismatic charm.
They were all alive.Breathing and feeding.
Feeding on my brain,my thoughts were going through a drain.
But does it count?
A starving beggar’s five star meal,
A loosing gambler’s winning deal.
I have seen it all falling apart,my brain and her heart.
Streams of blood,Emotions flood.
But does it count?
In the end who decideswho lives and who dies???

1 comment:

gugs said...

really good!!!
"Streams of blood,Emotions flood.But does it count?"
kinda da by end reminded me of linkin park... hell sumone once said dat to me too!!! lol
but good stuff!!!
keep it kickin!!!